Garibaldi Harbor
The area ports are working ports
supported by commercial and
recreational fishing and
crabbing as well as the newer
experience of whale watching.
There are to be sure a few yachts
moored here and there but most
of the craft are working vessels.
Yachats Coast
Storm watching, fishing, beach
walking and cutesy shopping
are prevalent activities. From
the "world's smallest port" at
Depot Bay to the huge Umpqua
River estuary at Winchester
Bay fishing, whale watching,
clamming and crabbing are
thriving businesses.
Coos River
The south Oregon coast shares
as much with northern
California as it does with
the rest of the Oregon Coast.
The mountains often run
right into the sea. Dairy
farming and timbering are
important economic pursuits.
Lower Columbia
The lower Columbia is a
very different place from
the rest of Oregon. The
dramatic vistas of the
Gorge and the coast are
missing. Instead one sees
a powerful river pressing
on to the sea.
Scotts Mills
The north Willamette valley
is the prosperous heart of
Oregon. Yet many towns and
settlements exist where time
still moves slowly. Places
like Dayton and Scotts Mills
still seems miles away
from the twenty-first century.
Covered Bridge
Although the Mid-Willamette
valley region contains the
state capital it also contains
a treasure of small towns.
From the tumbling rapids of
the Santiam river to the
sweeping grass fields of the
central valley the area
beckons the explorer.
Creswell Museum
The Willamette valley is an
old lake bed or inland sea.
The outlet was and is the
Willamette river running north
into the Columbia. The valley
floor is broken by frequent
lava buttes, volcanic vents
that died long ago.
Myrtle Creek
The Umpqua river system drains
a huge area, but there are no
broad flat valleys. Every bend
in the river does however
produce a small valley, and
there are many. I grew up in
this area in Myrtle Creek
Rogue Valley
The residents of the Rogue
River Valley actually see
themselves as living in a
warm dry place. That is quite
different from the rest
of western Oregon.
Columbia Gorge
Indian hieroglyphics
are visible along the Columbia
where Indian tribes would
travel to trade their products
for dried salmon. This
exchange of goods spread their
different cultures
throughout the northwest.
N Central Plateau
Its a long way between
settlements in this area,
and the little towns are
tucked at the bottoms
of ravines and valleys
to avoid the driving wind.
Trees planted as wind breaks
provide relief from the
endless vistas, and
usually mark the homesteads.
Mid-Central Plateau
This is an amazing area.
In seveal places at
the foot of the Cascades
full sized rivers bubble
out of the ground and
meander off. The many snow
covered peaks of the
Cascades dominate the
scenery and hold back
the Pacific weather fronts.
S Central Plateau
Sprawling Klamath lake
straddles the state line
and I am not sure the
ranchers know or care which
side they are on. Drainage
is to the south by way of
the Klamath river also.
This is a huge waterfowl area.
NE Highlands
The land is sparse and
beautiful. The higher
elevations grow pine trees
and animal grazing is
everywhere. The Wallowa
river valley and
especially Joseph have
attacted adventuresome
tourists and artists.
Beyond that it is
every man for himself.
Eastern Desert
Around 1900 Baker City
was the most important
urban area between
Salt Lake City and
Portland, but they just
couldn't keep up. Boise
ran right past them.
South East Desert
This area covers about
one fifth of the state of
Oregon, but has only a
fraction of the population
of the state, unless you
count the livestock. That
leaves a huge area for
ranchers, livestock, and
a handful of small towns.
If you plan to travel Oregon backroads and want to know about Brothers or Riddle or Wheeler where do you turn? If your teacher asks you to report on the Fort Hill blockhouse, where do you look? Well, you have arrived at THE site. We offer here photos taken and observations made while exploring rural Oregon.
Your hosts seek the "road less traveled" which takes us to interesting places like Imnaha, Plush and Yachats. We like to share our experience and invite you along. Maybe you can discover a ghost town you want to visit or a road you want to travel.
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